
Categorias das Publicações
observatorio de justica

Teste Publicações
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Felipe Müller

O Princípio da Autodeterminação no Constitucionalismo Digital: Um Estudo Comparado entre Brasil e Europa
Research Handbook on Legal Evolution
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2024
LPL Authors: Pedro Moniz Lopes, Raquel Franco

Evolutionary theory and legal adjudication: Substrata for a predictive theory of legal science
Year: 2024

LPL Editors: João Miranda
The Governance of Water
Tratado de Direito do Ambiente, Vol. II.2a Ed
Administrative Law
Year: 2024
LPL Authors: Carla Amado Gomes, Heloísa Oliveira, Raquel Franco, Rui Lanceiro, José Duarte Coimbra, Telmo Coutinho Rodrigues
LPL Editors: Carla Amado Gomes, Heloísa Oliveira
Tratado de Direito do Ambiente, Vol. II. Parte Especial (2.ª edição)
conflitos armados backoffice2
International and European Law
Year: 2024
LPL Authors: Ana Rita Gil, Afonso Brás, Francisco Cordeiro Araújo, Inês Marinho, Vladyslava Kaplina
LPL Editors: Ana Rita Gil
UN in action: Armed conflicts and peace missions. Case studies
Migration Law in Portugal
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ana Rita Gil

Migration Law in Portugal
A Treatise on Environmental Law, Vol. III
International and European Law
Year: 2024

LPL Editors: Carla Amado Gomes, Heloísa Oliveira
A Treatise on Environmental Law, Vol. III
Lisbon Public Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Carlos Blanco de Morais, Maria José Rangel de Mesquita, José Duarte Coimbra, Mariana Melo Egídio

Relatório De Avaliação Da Arbitragem Tributária
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

Caminhos da “privatização” e da digitalização da administração da justiça
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

150 Anos de L`arrêt Blanco e 15 Anos de RRCEE: Notas Marginais
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

Public Procurement and Effective Dispute Resolution in Portugal
The ECJ and its Sports Model after 'European Super League'
International and European Law
Year: 2024
LPL Authors: Miguel Mota Delgado

The European Game: The ECJ and its Sports Model after "European Super League"
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Miguel Assis Raimundo

Public Procurement and Environmental Protection
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho

Personal Data Processing of Online Platforms’ and Search Engines’ Users: The case of the EU Digital Services Act
The Concept of Law on international law
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Heloísa Oliveira
LPL Editors: Gonçalo Fabião, Sara Azevedo
A critical appraisal of H. L. A. Hart’s The Concept of Law on international law
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ana Rita Gil

Proteção internacional revisitada: as soluções da União Europeia para a “crise de refugiados” da Guerra da Ucrânia
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ana Rita Gil

The implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive in 2022 in Portugal to Persons Fleeing the War in Ukraine
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Fernando Loureiro Bastos

Looking at the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights through the lens of the International Law of the Sea
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Heloísa Oliveira

The principle of reparation: why the polluter-pays principle does not suffice and how to rebuild the law on environmental damage
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

Responsabilidade Civil do Estado pela Administração da Justiça em Angola
Administrative Law
Year: 2023

LPL Editors: Domingos Soares Farinho, Francisco Paes Marques, Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas
Direito da Proteção de Dados - Perspetivas Públicas e Privadas
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2023

LPL Editors: Raquel Brízida Castro
Direito Constitucional - Ciberespaço e Tecnologia
Lisbon Public Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Carlos Blanco de Morais, Ana Rita Gil
LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais, Ana Rita Gil
Sustainable Immigration in a Welfare State
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2022

LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais
The Rule of Law in Cyberspace
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho
LPL Editors: Maria Luísa Duarte, Ana Rita Gil, Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas
Os direitos humanos no Regulamento serviços Digitais (Digital Services Act) da União Europeia
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

Contratação Pública e Resolução de Litígios em Portugal
Capa Hart
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2023

LPL Editors: Gonçalo Fabião, Sara Azevedo
A propósito dos 60 anos d’O Conceito de Direito de Hart
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

Morosidade judicial e boas práticas jurisprudenciais indemnizatórias em Portugal
cidades na era das alteracoes climaticas
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Heloísa Oliveira, Margarida Vidal Sampaio
LPL Editors: Carla Amado Gomes, Heloísa Oliveira
Cities in the Age of Climate Change
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

Justiça Inteligente, Danos e Propostas de Responsabilidade Civil
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

A Nova Litigância Judicial Causada por Algoritmos Digitais: de “Estado c Loomis” a “NCJM, Outros e FNV c. Estado”: Uso e/ou “Acesso” Público aos Algoritmos pelo Tribunal
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Miguel Nogueira de Brito

Holder of the Centre: On the Constitutional Thought of Dieter Grimm
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

“Privatização” e Digitalização da Justiça: Velhos e Novos Problemas?!
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Alexandra Leitão

A Administração Pública eletrónica: oportunidades e desafios
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

An Overview of the Portuguese Electronic Jurisdictional Administrative Procedure
e-publica-climate change
International and European Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Margarida Vidal Sampaio
LPL Editors: Heloísa Oliveira, Jorge Reis Novais
e-publica: Climate change and fundamental rights (Special Issue)
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho

O Regulamento dos Serviços Digitais da União Europeia (EU Digital Services Act): Uma visão a partir do Direito Administrativo Regulatório
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Felipe Andrade

Tolerance, Prohibition of Political Parties and ECtHR
Administrative Law
Year: 2022

LPL Editors: Tiago Serrão, Marco Caldeira
A justiça administrativa em Portugal – diagnóstico presente e perspetivas futuras
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carla Amado Gomes, Hong Cheng Leong
LPL Editors: Miguel Assis Raimundo
A contratação pública à prova das alterações climáticas: a viagem do elefante
International and European Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Fernando Loureiro Bastos
LPL Editors: Patrícia Galvão Teles, Manuel de Almeida Ribeiro
Introduction [to Part 4 the contribution of the international tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) to the development of the Law of the Sea]
International and European Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Fernando Loureiro Bastos

Comentário à Parte XVII - Disposições finais
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Pedro Moniz Lopes

Implications of genericity on the (in)consistency and (in)completeness of legal systems
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Ana Escher

The nature and value of vagueness in the law (book review)
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Pedro Moniz Lopes

The expression of norms as a speech act: assessing the explanatory power of theories of interpretation
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2022

Imparcialidade administrativa e controlo jurisdicional da decisão
International and European Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Heloísa Oliveira

A reparação do dano ambiental
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Pedro Moniz Lopes

Relevance and equality: an analytical account
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2022

LPL Editors: Maria Luísa Duarte, Ana Rita Gil, Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas
Direitos Humanos e Estado de Direito – protecção no quadro europeu e internacional
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Pedro Moniz Lopes

Distinguishing the distinguishable: interpretative norms and interpretative criteria in adjudication of meaning
Administrative Law
Year: 2022

LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais, Miguel Nogueira de Brito, Miguel Assis Raimundo
Impactos da pandemia da Covid-19 nas estruturas do Direito Público
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carlos Blanco de Morais

Curso de Direito Constitucional (I): lei e sistema normativo
Digital Democracy
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carlos Blanco de Morais
LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais
Digital democracy: a threat to the democratic system or oxygenation of representative democracy and free speech
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carla Amado Gomes, Ricardo Pedro

Direito da responsabilidade civil extracontratual administrativa: questões essenciais
Administrative Law
Year: 2022

LPL Editors: Carla Amado Gomes, Ana Fernanda Neves
Tutela extrajudicial de direitos fundamentais
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carla Amado Gomes

Introdução ao Direito do Ambiente (5ª edição)
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carla Amado Gomes

Comentário ao capítulo XV da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar (a investigação científica marinha)
Administrative Law
Year: 2022

LPL Editors: Carla Amado Gomes, Cláudia Monge, Aquilino Paulo Antunes, Heloísa Oliveira
Sustentabilidade e eficiência no sector hospitalar – quão verdes podem ser os hospitais?
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carla Amado Gomes

As cidades e a natureza: linhas de (des)continuidade
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Luís Filipe Mota Almeida

Guia sobre a prevenção da corrupção no âmbito das autarquias locais - Tomo I: os canais de denúncia e a protecção do denunciante
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Luís Filipe Mota Almeida

Lei da criação de freguesias anotada
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carla Amado Gomes, Heloísa Oliveira
LPL Editors: Carla Amado Gomes, Heloísa Oliveira
Tratado de Direito do Ambiente, Vol. I (2ª edição)
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ana Rita Gil

O Direito Internacional Público face aos fluxos migratórios no séc. xxi — a necessidade de um novo paradigma?
International and European Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Fernando Loureiro Bastos

A proteção de pessoas deslocadas no contexto da subida do nível do mar
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

Arbitragem Administrativa: um ornitorrinco a caminho de Angola?
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

Modelos de Governação dos Fundos Europeus
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

A progressiva relevância dos direitos fundamentais na administração dos fundos europeus
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Sara Azevedo
LPL Editors: Domingos Soares Farinho, Francisco Paes Marques, Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas
O encarregado de proteção de dados nas autoridades e organismos públicos: algumas notas
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Rui Lanceiro

A Guerra na Ucrânia e a liberdade de expressão no século XXI
Administrative Law
Year: 2023
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho
LPL Editors: Domingos Soares Farinho, Francisco Paes Marques, Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas
Interesse público e exercício de autoridade pública como fundamentos de licitude de tratamento de dados pessoais
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Miguel Nogueira de Brito
LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais, Miguel Nogueira de Brito, Miguel Assis Raimundo
A Crescente Uniformização dos Modelos de Emergência Constitucional
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Miguel Nogueira de Brito
LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais
Hate Speech and Social Media
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Pedro Fernández Sánchez

A Revisão de 2022 do Regime de Formação e Execução de Contratos Públicos
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Miguel Nogueira de Brito

A limited case for the relevance of the pandemic and the irrelevance of constitutional emergencies
de minimis aid under EU law
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Ricardo Pedro

De minimis aid under EU law
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Hong Cheng Leong

O nexo de causalidade na responsabilidade civil extracontratual da administração pública
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Rui Lanceiro
LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais
Freedom of Expression in the Age of Digital Platforms: Change of Paradigm?
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho
LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais
Models of Legal Liability for Social Networks: Between Germany and Portugal
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Miguel Nogueira de Brito

O Espectro de uma Nova Pangeia e a Perda do Poder Constituinte
inference to te best
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2022

Inference to the best explanation in legal science; on balancing contrastive hypotheses
conceptual norms
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2022

Conceptual norms: contrasting theories
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho
LPL Editors: Carlos Blanco de Morais
Self-Regulation and Public Regulation of Social Networks in Portugal
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Carla Amado Gomes
LPL Editors: Tiago Serrão, Marco Caldeira
Vinte anos de um processo de reforma em curso da justiça administrativa em Portugal
Administrative Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho

Fundamental rights and conflict resolution in the Digital Services Act Proposal: a first approach
International and European Law
Year: 2022
LPL Authors: Santiago Salvador Gimeno

La gobernanza de los mares ante la expansión de las energías renovables marinas. Hacia una gestión y ordenación espacial marina coordinadas
Administrative Law
Year: 2021
LPL Authors: Rui Lanceiro

Pandemia, “Infodemia” e Liberdade de Expressão
Administrative Law
Year: 2021
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho

The new “right to protection against disinformation” in Portugal
Administrative Law
Year: 2021
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho

The Portuguese Charter of Human Rights in the Digital Age: a legal appraisal
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2021

From constitutional discretion to the positivist weight formula
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2021
LPL Authors: Jorge Silva Sampaio

Brute balancing, proportionality and meta-weighing of reasons
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2021
LPL Authors: Ana Escher

The nature and value of vagueness in the law
International and European Law
Year: 2021
LPL Authors: Daniela Martins Pereira da Silva

A ameaça à integridade territorial dos Estados - o fenómeno dos Estados em desaparecimento em face do aumento do nível do mar
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2020

LPL Editors: Pedro Moniz Lopes
O pensamento de Hans Kelsen – influências, contexto e atualidade
Administrative Law
Year: 2019
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho, Rui Lanceiro

Liberdade de expressão na internet
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2019

LPL Editors: Pedro Moniz Lopes, Jorge Silva Sampaio
Legal science: the demarcation problem and the perimeter of “good science”
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2019
LPL Authors: Ana Escher
LPL Editors: David Duarte, Pedro Moniz Lopes, Jorge Silva Sampaio
When it is vague what is vague: identifying vagueness
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2019
LPL Authors: Pedro Moniz Lopes, Raquel Franco
LPL Editors: Pedro Moniz Lopes, David Duarte, Jorge Silva Sampaio
Naturalizing interpretation: A first approach on “hardware” and “software” determinants of legal interpretation
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2019
LPL Authors: Jorge Silva Sampaio
LPL Editors: David Duarte, Jorge Silva Sampaio, Pedro Moniz Lopes
An almost pure theory of legal interpretation within legal science
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2019

LPL Editors: Miguel Nogueira de Brito, Giovanni Damele, Pedro Moniz Lopes, Jorge Silva Sampaio
The role of legal argumentation and human dignity in constitutional courts
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2019

LPL Editors: Pedro Moniz Lopes, Jorge Silva Sampaio
Legal interpretation and scientific knowledge
norms on language
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2018

Norms on language and the regulativeness of constitutive norms
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2018
LPL Authors: Pedro Moniz Lopes
LPL Editors: David Duarte, Jorge Silva Sampaio
Balancing principles and a fortiori reasoning
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2018
LPL Authors: Jorge Silva Sampaio
LPL Editors: David Duarte, Jorge Silva Sampaio
Proportionality in its narrow sense and measuring the intensity of restrictions on fundamental rights
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2018

LPL Editors: Jorge Silva Sampaio
Gains and losses in balancing social rights
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2018

Analogy and balancing once again: a reply to Bartosz Brożek
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2018

Analogy and balancing: the partial reducibility thesis and its problems
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2018

LPL Editors: Jorge Silva Sampaio
Proportionality in law: an analytical perspective
Administrative Law
Year: 2006
LPL Authors: Domingos Soares Farinho

Intimidade da Vida Privada e Media no Ciberespaço
Lisbon Public Law Research Centre

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