The paper analyses two categories of legal norms on language, definitory and interpretative norms, in order to establish the differences and similarities between them. Whilst specifically asserting their common regulativeness, the underlying purpose is, however, to make the more general claim that constitutive norms are simultaneously regulative and then that constitutivity is merely a feature of some norms, without preventing them from also guiding human action. Accordingly, constitutive norms are not opposed to regulative norms, but merely a category of the latter.
Home > Publications > Norms on language and the regulativeness of constitutive norms
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Norms on language and the regulativeness of constitutive norms

Book title / Magazine:
Diritto & Questione Publiche. XVIII
Diritto & Questione Publiche. XVIII
External Author(s):
David Duarte
David Duarte
Within the scope of the Project:
Lisbon Legal Theory
Lisbon Legal Theory
Research Areas:
Theory of Law
Theory of Law
Bibliographic reference:
DUARTE, D. 2018. Norms on Language and the Regulativeness of Constitutive Norms. Diritto & Questione Publiche. XVIII. 1. 135-156.
DUARTE, D. 2018. Norms on Language and the Regulativeness of Constitutive Norms. Diritto & Questione Publiche. XVIII. 1. 135-156.
Research Group(s):
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Year: 2018