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International and European Law
Project Status: Ongoing
Fundamental rights and rule of law as european values in a global world after the Conference on the Future of Europe
International and European Law
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Administrative Law
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Theory and Philosophy of Law
International and European Law
Project Status: Closed
The European Union Human Rights protection internormative system
Administrative Law
Administrative Law
Administrative Law
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Project Status: Closed
Global Administrative Law: From reality to theoretical reconstruction
Administrative Law
International and European Law
Project Status: Closed
Towards Legal Protection of the Future? Considering the Legal Protection of Future Generations
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Closed
Sources of Constitutional Law in Portuguese-speaking countries
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Closed
Dignity of the Human Person between Individual Autonomy and Constitutional Paternalism
Administrative Law
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Closed
Social Rights and the Challenges of the Economic and Financial Crisis.
International and European Law
Administrative Law
Project Status: Closed
The Contemporary Challenges of Multilevel Constitutionalism
Administrative Law
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Ongoing
Constitutional Law of Cyberspace and Cybersecurity
International and European Law
International and European Law
Project Status: Ongoing
Necessity, possibilities and dificulties in the creation of a regional human rights system in Asia
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Closed
e-learning National Active Charter Training (e-NACT) GA nº 763875
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Closed
TRust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of judges and arbitrators under the EU Charter (TRIIAL) GA nº 853832
Administrative Law
Administrative Law
International and European Law
Project Status: Ongoing
Human rights & business: regulation and duties from emerging companies of human rights protection standards
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Ongoing
Populism and constitutional state in the 21st century
Administrative Law
Project Status: Ongoing
Public procurement: common principles for common issues
Administrative Law
International and European Law
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Administrative Law
Project Status: Closed
The law-making as a means of implementing public policies: quantitative and socio-economic analysis (LegImpact)
Administrative Law
Administrative Law
International and European Law
International and European Law
International and European Law
Project Status: Ongoing
Preparing for sea level rise: coping with climate change, rearranging state territory and searching for mechanisms to deal with conflicts”
Administrative Law
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Ongoing
Governance, Political System and Fragmentation/Destruction of Political and Party Systems
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Ongoing
Rules for Legislative Drafting in Portuguese-speaking Countries and Regions
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Project Status: Ongoing
TRust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of Legal professionals under the EU Charter – part 2 (TRIIAL 2) GA nº 101089737
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Project Status: Ongoing