A community for public ideas


The Research Academy in Public Law is a science-based community project designed to promote the best learning and research experiences among postgraduate students (masters and doctoral students) in Law.

The organization of doctoral studies varies considerably among different disciplines, but the available benchmarks for Law portray a fairly conservative configuration of seminars and traditional supervision. The Research Academy hereby proposed embodies an innovative model and an attempt to overcome the culture of individuality and scarcity of outreach activities by offering further methodological leverages and transferable skills that can amplify the whole scholar experience.


The work plan for 2022-2023 includes modules in Research Methods and Research Seminars. Modules will be facilitated by an external/LPL consultant or academic. who can bring additional experience, as well as share best research practices from other areas of knowledge.

Each module is self-contained, but overall attendance would provide a comprehensive overview for research development.

Logic & Law modules are part of the ALF project – “Advancing cooperation on the foundations of law”, funded by the European Commission through Grant agreement n. 101079177.


The sessions will take place at the University of Lisbon, School of Law, Arbitration Room 1; and online (only for "Law & Logic" modules) via Zoom, thus facilitating the remote participation of students and researchers.

All materials will be made available to participants through an online digital repository.


The Research Academy lasts one academic year, starting on October 30, 2023.

The sessions will occur after work hours every Tuesday, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:10 p.m.

Participants are allowed to engage in the full program or just a few particular modules, receiving a Proof of Participation upon completing the full program/each module. This completion requires participation in ⅔ of the sessions of each module.

Target Audience?

A Research Academy The Research Academy is aimed at postgraduates (master and doctoral students) and junior/experienced researchers from all areas of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon as well as from other schools.

Participation in the Research Academy is free of charge but registration is mandatory and limited to up to 20 participants per module. Minimum registration for modules to become active is 5 participants.

Registration is carried out exclusively online by clicking on the registration button below.

Candidates will be selected for admission based on their academic/professional background. Preference will be given to LPL researchers.

During registration, participants will be asked to choose the modules they wish to attend. 

Governance of the Lisbon Public Law Research Academy

The governance of the Research Academy is run by a Board of Researchers representing the four research groups of the Lisbon Public Law Research Centre, assisted by an Executive Secretary and scientific and executive coordination members.

The Research Academy Board composition for 2023/2024 is the following:

Alexandra Leitão – Scientific Coordination

Fernando Loureiro Bastos  - International and European Law

Miguel Raimundo  - Administrative Law

Pedro Sánchez  - Constitutional Law and Political Science

Pedro Moniz Lopes – Theory and Philosophy of Law

Gonçalo Fabião  - Executive Secretary

Ana Vieira da Silva – Executive Coordination

Lisbon Public Law Research Centre

O que procura?

Ex. Investigadores, Eventos, Publicações…