Nowadays, the increasingly intensive use of the seas and oceans is evident in parallel with the development of new activities on them, as a result of the advancement of technology. This is subjecting the marine environment to greater pressures and impacts and, in turn, is generating overlaps and collisions between different uses due to the occupation of marine space that can create internal and international tensions and conflicts. Among these new uses of the sea that may conflict with the protection of the marine environment and with other uses projected at sea, the growing development of marine renewable energies at a global level and, mainly, at a European level, in line with the objectives pursued in terms of energy and climate at international, regional and state levels. Although the expansion of these technologies comes after the approval of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, this, in general terms, serves as a general framework to frame the development of these devices at the international level. However, it is no less true that there are several gray areas (namely in relation to the Exclusive Economic Zone, the extended continental shelf and the high seas) that are the subject of analysis in this research work. In effect, greater cooperation and coordination between different States is necessary with regard to the legal ordering and management of marine spaces in view of the increasing development of new competing uses of the sea, and, in particular, when it comes to ordering and spatially planning the development of marine renewable energies. At a regional level, in the European panorama, this cooperation is currently structured mainly within the European Union and the Regional Marine Conventions (in the field that concerns us, the OSPAR Convention, which will be studied in comparison with the cooperation mechanisms provided for under the Convention of Helsinki applicable to the Baltic Sea). However, there are areas of uncertainty regarding the role and competencies that the European Union can develop in relation to the management of activities planned at sea, as well as regarding the compatibility between certain provisions and purposes pursued by different standards that make up its secondary legislation, mainly in cases in which the objectives of protecting the environment and biodiversity may conflict with other socioeconomic objectives. Both aspects will be examined in order to determine the effectiveness of European Union action in terms of coordination and cooperation between Member States in planning the development of marine renewable energies. The importance of intensifying cooperation and coordination relations between States at a bilateral and cross-border level will also be analyzed, in order to address specific aspects of greater local or autonomous interest related to the planning and management of marine and coastal space. At state level, we will carry out a study of the Spanish and Portuguese legal systems, given the geographical proximity of the two countries, their long tradition of cooperation and the high potential for renewable energy (mainly offshore wind and waves) that their seas are home to. In particular, we will focus on the study of the respective internal legislation on marine spatial planning and management and its impact on the spatial planning of marine renewable energies, as well as the cooperation and coordination mechanisms applicable in this regard, not only between both countries, but also internally in each of them, mainly between the central government and the autonomous regions. Finally, by way of conclusion, new ideas will be proposed as alternatives to intensify the aforementioned cooperation at various levels (international, European regional, bilateral and state).
Home > Publications > La gobernanza de los mares ante la expansión de las energías renovables marinas. Hacia una gestión y ordenación espacial marina coordinadas
International and European Law
La gobernanza de los mares ante la expansión de las energías renovables marinas. Hacia una gestión y ordenación espacial marina coordinadas

Book title / Magazine:
La Gobernanza De Los Mares Ante La Expansión De Las Energías Renovables Marinas. Hacia Una Gestión Y Ordenación Espacial Marina Coordinadas
La Gobernanza De Los Mares Ante La Expansión De Las Energías Renovables Marinas. Hacia Una Gestión Y Ordenación Espacial Marina Coordinadas
LPL Author(s):
Santiago Salvador Gimeno
Santiago Salvador Gimeno
Within the scope of the Project:
Preparing for sea level rise: coping with climate change, rearranging state territory and searching for mechanisms to deal with conflicts”
Preparing for sea level rise: coping with climate change, rearranging state territory and searching for mechanisms to deal with conflicts”
Research Areas:
International Law of the Sea; Public International Law; Environmental Law
International Law of the Sea; Public International Law; Environmental Law
Bibliographic reference:
GIMENO, Santiago Salvador. La gobernanza de los mares ante la expansión de las energías renovables marinas. Hacia una gestión y ordenación espacial marina coordinadas. El Caso de España y Portugal en el marco de la Comunidad Internacional y de la Unión Europea. Lisboa: CIDP-ICJP. 2022.
GIMENO, Santiago Salvador. La gobernanza de los mares ante la expansión de las energías renovables marinas. Hacia una gestión y ordenación espacial marina coordinadas. El Caso de España y Portugal en el marco de la Comunidad Internacional y de la Unión Europea. Lisboa: CIDP-ICJP. 2022.
Research Group(s):
International and European Law
International and European Law
Publishing company: Lisbon Public Law Editions | CIDP-ICJP
Year: 2022