Publicação | Capítulo de Livro

Direito Internacional e Europeu

The principle of reparation: why the polluter-pays principle does not suffice and how to rebuild the law on environmental damage

Titulo do Livro/Revista:
The Future of Environmental Law: Ambition and Reality
Autor(es) LPL:
Heloísa Oliveira
Editor(es) Externo(s):
Stefan E. Weishaar, Kars J. de Graaf
No âmbito do Projeto:
Legal Roadmap Towards a Circular Economy
Áreas de Investigação:
Direito do Ambiente
Referência Bibliográfica:
OLIVEIRA, Heloísa. The principle of reparation: why the polluter-pays principle does not suffice and how to rebuild the law on environmental damage IN: Stefan E. Weishaar and Kars J. de Graaf. The Future of Environmental Law: Ambition and Reality. The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law series, Elgar, 2023
Grupo(s) de Investigação:
Direito Internacional e Europeu
978 1 03531 463 8
Editora: Elgar
Ano: 2023


Lisbon Public Law Research Centre

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