Imigração Sustentável num Estado Social de Direito

LPL researchers Carlos Blanco de Morais and Ana Rita Gil present preliminary results from a public survey on immigration among Portuguese citizens as part of the research project "Sustainable Immigration in a Social Rule of Law”. The project aims to critically examine Portuguese immigration law and policy, seeking to initiate a broad and rigorous debate on the characteristics of a coherent, effective, and sustainable immigration policy in a democratic, social, and pluralistic Rule of Law, and how it should be reflected in immigration law.

Follow the discussion on immigration laws!
Ana Rita Gil – Diário de Notícias –
Carlos Blanco de Morais – Jornal Sol –

This project aims to critically analyze the legislation and immigration policy in Portugal, promoting an open and rigorous debate on the necessary characteristics of a coherent, effective, and sustainable immigration policy in a democratic, social, and pluralistic Rule of Law. In response to changes in Portuguese immigration law, the project addresses issues such as the increase in phenomena like aiding illegal immigration, human trafficking, and the state's inability to account for residents in the country.

As part of this effort, a survey conducted by Top Science and coordinated by Professor Fausto Amaro was carried out among the Portuguese population regarding immigration, the results of which are now presented in this report. This document emphasizes the importance of an informed and rigorous discussion on the topic. Based on the collected data, the report provides a comprehensive view of the host society's opinions, proving essential for formulating sustainable immigration policies that benefit both immigrants and nationals. Discover more about this study and its conclusions in the full report publication at

Lisbon Public Law Research Centre

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