Event | LLT Reading Groups
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Limits of Logic and Legal Reasoning
6 March 2024
Open to the public
- Room 12.18 - Instituto 3
Organizers: Gonçalo Fabião
Speaker: Pedro Caballero
Project to which it belongs: Lisbon Digital Rights and Freedoms
Event Description
The next session of Lisbon Legal Theory Reading Group dedicated to Eugenio Bulygin's book Essays in Legal Philosophy will take place on 6 March at 19:00 in the "Instituto 3" room. The paper to be discussed will be Limits of Logic and Legal Reasoning, written with Carlos E. Alchourrón and published in 1992. The paper will be presented by Pedro Caballero. From September to July, the Lisbon Legal Theory Reading Group will focus on papers from Bulygin's book Essays in Legal Philosophy. Each month will be dedicated to the discussion of a paper by Eugenio Bulygin, sometimes co-authored with Carlos E. Alchourrón, on key issues in legal theory and legal philosophy. The sessions will take place in the "Instituto 3" room at 19:00 in Portugal. The language adopted for this session of the reading group will be only English.