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Ano: 2024
Jorge Silva Sampaio, Pedro Moniz Lopes
Actualizando el debate sobre “el derecho como plan compartido” de Shapiro
Ano: 2024
Pedro Moniz Lopes, Raquel Franco
Evolutionary theory and legal adjudication: Substrata for a predictive theory of legal science
Year: 2022
Pedro Moniz Lopes
The expression of norms as a speech act: assessing the explanatory power of theories of interpretation
Year: 2022
Ana Escher
The nature and value of vagueness in the law (book review)
Year: 2022
Pedro Moniz Lopes
Implications of genericity on the (in)consistency and (in)completeness of legal systems
Year: 2022
Imparcialidade administrativa e controlo jurisdicional da decisão
Year: 2022
Pedro Moniz Lopes
Relevance and equality: an analytical account
Year: 2022
Pedro Moniz Lopes
Distinguishing the distinguishable: interpretative norms and interpretative criteria in adjudication of meaning
Year: 2023
Sara Azevedo
O encarregado de proteção de dados nas autoridades e organismos públicos: algumas notas
Year: 2022
Inference to the best explanation in legal science; on balancing contrastive hypotheses
Year: 2021
From constitutional discretion to the positivist weight formula
Year: 2021
Jorge Silva Sampaio
Brute balancing, proportionality and meta-weighing of reasons
Ano: 2020
O pensamento de Hans Kelsen – influências, contexto e atualidade
Ano: 2019
Legal science: the demarcation problem and the perimeter of “good science”
Ano: 2019
Ana Escher
When it is vague what is vague: identifying vagueness
Ano: 2019
Pedro Moniz Lopes, Raquel Franco
Naturalizing interpretation: A first approach on “hardware” and “software” determinants of legal interpretation
Ano: 2019
Jorge Silva Sampaio
An almost pure theory of legal interpretation within legal science
Ano: 2019
The role of legal argumentation and human dignity in constitutional courts
Ano: 2018
Norms on language and the regulativeness of constitutive norms
Ano: 2018
Pedro Moniz Lopes
Balancing principles and a fortiori reasoning
Ano: 2018
Jorge Silva Sampaio
Proportionality in its narrow sense and measuring the intensity of restrictions on fundamental rights
Ano: 2018
Analogy and balancing once again: a reply to Bartosz Brożek
Ano: 2018